Insanity workout calendar

Insanity Workout Calendar

What is the Insanity Workout Calendar?

The Insanity workout calendar is a 6-day per week schedule without a set intensity level. It’s all about pushing yourself and doing the best you can every day for 60 days. It’s based on a cardio and strength training combo that promises to make participants lose 1,000 calories per session.

But remember, this intense program is not designed for beginners, pregnant women or anyone with chronic health conditions, so be sure to consult your doctor before starting the Insanity program.

The program is also called “max interval training,” which basically means working out as hard as possible for three minutes before taking a 30-second break.

This workout needs to be done in front of a TV with DVDs that Shaun T has created, as the Insanity workout calendar is designed for home use.

Here, you can order your kit, including the insanity workout calendar, DVDs of the workouts and a nutrition plan for about $120. A typical workout day includes a 20–50-minute exercise, and you don’t need any major equipment or trainer to do the workout.

You just follow instructions on the TV screen and jump around. Some people find the Insanity workout difficult, but others love it for being a challenging fitness program that can work wonders with your body in 60 days when done, according to Shaun T’s Insanity workout calendar.

Insanity Workout Calendar

Week 1

  • Day 1: Fit Test
  • Day 2: Plyometric Cardio Circuit
  • Day 3: Cardio Power & Resistance
  • Day 4: Cardio Recovery
  • Day 5: Pure Cardio
  • Day 6: Plyometric Cardio Circuit
  • Day 7: Rest Day

Week 2

  • Day 1: Cardio Power & Resistance
  • Day 2: Pure Cardio
  • Day 3: Plyometric Cardio Circuit
  • Day 4: Cardio Recovery
  • Day 5: Cardio Power Resistance
  • Day 6: Pure Cardio & Cardio Abs
  • Day 7: Rest Day

Week 3

  • Day 1: Fit Test
  • Day 2: Plyometric Cardio Circuit
  • Day 3: Pure Cardio & Cardio Abs
  • Day 4: Cardio Recovery
  • Day 5: Cardio Power & Resistance
  • Day 6: Plyometric Cardio Circuit
  • Day 7: Rest Day

Week 4

  • Day 1: Fit Test
  • Day 2: Cardio Power & Resistance
  • Day 3: Plyometric Cardio Circuit
  • Day 4: Cardio Recovery
  • Day 5: Pure Cardio & Cardio Abs
  • Day 6: Plyometric Cardio Circuit
  • Day 7: Rest Day

Recovery Week: Week 5

  • Day 1: Pure Cardio & Cardio Abs
  • Day 2: Core Cardio & Balance
  • Day 3: Core Cardio & Balance
  • Day 4: Core Cardio & Balance
  • Day 5: Core Cardio & Balance
  • Day 6: Core Cardio & Balance
  • Day 7: Fit Test

Week 6

  • Day 1: Max Interval Circuit
  • Day 2: Max Interval Plyo
  • Day 3: Max Cardio Conditioning
  • Day 4: Max Recovery
  • Day 5: Max Interval Circuit
  • Day 6: Max Interval Plyo
  • Day 7: Rest Day

Week 7

  • Day 1: Max Cardio Conditioning
  • Day 2: Max Interval Circuit
  • Day 3: Max Interval Plyo
  • Day 4: Max Recovery
  • Day 5: Max Cardio Conditioning & Cardio Abs
  • Day 6: Core Cardio and Balance
  • Day 7: Fit Test

Week 8

  • Day 1: Max Interval Circuit
  • Day 2: Max Interval Plyo
  • Day 3: Max Cardio Conditioning & Cardio Abs
  • Day 4: Max Recovery
  • Day 5: Max Interval Circuit
  • Day 6: Core Cardio & Balance
  • Day 7: Rest Day

Week 9

  • Day 1: Max Interval Plyo
  • Day 2: Max Cardio Conditioning & Cardio Abs
  • Day 3: Max Interval Circuit
  • Day 4: Core Cardio & Balance
  • Day 5: Max Interval Plyo
  • Day 6: Max Cardio Conditioning & Cardio Abs
  • Day 7: Fit Test

Shaun T’s Insanity Workouts: Getting Fit at Home

Have you ever wanted to get fit but didn’t have the time or money for a gym membership and personal trainer? Insanity workout might be the answer.

Created by world-renowned American fitness trainer Shaun T, who has more than a million Instagram followers, Insanity workouts are intense cardio and strength training workouts that can be done at home.

Since it came out in 2009, the workout has become incredibly popular, selling more than three million copies. Shaun T has appeared on major television shows such as the Conan O’Brian Show and Ellen DeGeneres to promote his workout programs.

If you’re looking for a workout program that will get your heart pumping, give you an intense cardio workout and help you burn fat, Insanity might be the perfect solution.

With this home-based fitness video series, Shaun T puts his spin on traditional bodybuilding exercises like squats, lunges, and pushups to make them more challenging.

Tips for Doing the Workout                                 

  • FIND A GOOD SPOT: You can work anywhere in your home, including your bedroom, as long as there is a TV. But ensure to do it in a place free of distracting clutter. You want a place where you can work out for about an hour without significant interruptions.
  • CREATE A ROUTINE: You can do the Insanity workout before or after work. Just find a time that works best for you and stick to it.
  • EAT WELL: You don’t want the Insanity workout to be your excuse not to eat healthily. Always be mindful of what you put in your body, ensuring to eat nutritious food that makes you feel energized. What is the point if lose 1,000 calories a day from the Insanity program spend the rest of the day eating like crap?
  • FIT INSANITY INTO YOUR BUSY SCHEDULE: Because the exercise can be finished in less than an hour, almost anybody can find time to do the Insanity workout. Just block off a time and make the program one of your priorities.
  • GET A BUDDY: It’s often more fun when you have company. Insanity workout is challenging, and it can be even more so if you are on your own.
  • You may want to find a fitness buddy or ask a friend for help with the program, keeping you accountable and motivated.
  • DON’T OVERDO IT: There is a fine line between the Insanity workout and overtraining. You need to know when your body has had enough.
  • Working out too much can be just as bad or worse than not working out at all.
  • Even though you don’t lift weights, you can still hurt yourself doing these intense workouts.
  • STAY HYDRATED: You will be sweating a lot during the Insanity workout, so make sure you drink plenty of water before, during, and after your sessions.
  • Hydration is vital for any physical activity but especially important with an intense fitness program such as Insanity, which can be taxing to the body.
  • The water helps keep everything running smoothly by replenishing fluids and electrolytes lost during the Insanity workout.
  • GET ENOUGH SLEEP: No matter what workout schedule you are on, it’s imperative to get enough sleep, allowing your body to recover.
  • Sleep is the time when our body heals and grows stronger. Studies have shown a robust correlation between sleeping well and performing well.
  • At the same time, lack of sleep is shown to cause mental and physical exhaustion among a myriad of other health problems such as obesity, diabetes, and depression.
  • MAKE IT A PART OF YOUR LIFE: The Insanity workout program is all about commitment. You must do it six times a week, and the Insanity workout should be a part of your life the same way that eating and sleeping are.
  • It’s essential to be diligent in getting your exercises done every day, even if they are hard on the muscles at first.

What if I Can’t Do The Insanity Workout?

If for whatever reason, Insanity workout is too hard for you, you should scale back and start doing a more manageable program that may rely on buying equipment. There are great multi-purpose workout machines produced by Bowflex for in-home use.

What is excellent about Bowflex’s fitness products is that they often come with easy-to-follow instructions and that almost anybody can use them without needing a personal trainer

In brief, if you’ve ever wanted to get in shape without going to the gym, the Insanity workout might be the answer you’ve been looking for.

How long does it take to see results from Insanity Workout Calendar?

With a strong amount of commitment and dedication, results will be seen fairly quickly. In most cases, people see changes in the first few weeks and continue to see accelerated progress over time. Some people may not achieve optimal results until well beyond 12 weeks of use but they should notice some improvements earlier on than that.

Regardless of how long it takes for an individual to notice significant improvement from this program, positive changes should be occurring sooner rather than later if they are following the program guidelines and working hard at their fitness goals. Remember – insanity is a high-intensity workout with nothing left out; so it’s not meant for those just looking for moderate or light exercise routines. Results come when you put in the work!

The Insanity Calendar is not certainly a walk in the park, but if it does what it promises and helps people get into shape without going to the gym, then why not give Shaun T’s Insanity workout a shot?

Is insanity still a good workout in 2021?

Insanity is one of the most popular home workout programs and has been around for years. It remains at the top of fitness charts because it’s so intense, yet offers great results.

In brief, if you’ve ever wanted to get in shape without going to the gym, the Insanity workout might be the answer you’ve been looking for.

The Insanity workout is not certainly a walk in the park, but if it does what it promises and helps people get into shape without going to the gym, then why not give Shaun T’s Insanity workout a shot?

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